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Understanding the vision and purpose behind the Founder and Co-Founders of this program to help all women develop who they are and achieve greatness:

We believe that every woman was born a queen and each woman experiences different life changing 

experiences as a child that affect the way she views herself, which could cause her to view herself as less than a queen by her actions. This is not her fault because most of her learned behaviors learned at an early age that are detrimental to her progress can be unlearned and retaught to her the right way at a more matured age of experience, by trial and error. We believe and experience everyday that once a woman understands who she is, what is appropriate and what is not, how to vent men to choose a mate wisely, and how to demand her respect from everyone she encounters with elegance, class, sex appeal, and femininity, she can gain a true since of self value, and learn to use her power of beauty and intelligence, to conquer and achieve anything in life.

1. Emotional Intelligence and Resilience Building Learn how to develop emotional intelligence and resilience to manage your emotions and deal with stress and anxiety effectively. 2. Goal Setting and Time Management Learn how to set achievable goals and manage your time effectively to accomplish them. 3. Financial Planning and Management Learn how to manage your finances, save money, and invest wisely for a secure financial future. 4. Self-Defense and Personal Safety Learn self-defense techniques and safety tips to protect yourself from harm. 5. Health and Wellness Learn the importance of physical exercise, yoga, and stretching to maintain good health and well-being. 6. Cooking and Nutrition Learn the basics of cooking healthy and nutritious food to maintain a balanced diet.

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